Friday, January 23, 2009

Uploading Problems...

Gotta get the camera manual out - I can't seem to get the file small enough for Blogger to accept it.

Check out today's photo on my other blog -

Same photos - LOL --- just a different site!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day Nine

I am filling in for a Pet Sitter this week and each day as I stand outside while the dogs run around the client’s yard - my attention lands on this tree.
It is the only tree snag in the yard and I can’t help but wonder why the tree died and why the owner hasn’t cut it down.
If it ever falls it will take out the fence - hopefully not on my “watch” if it does (knock on wood…dead wood as it were…Ha-Ha)…only two more visits for me…until the other Pet Sitter returns…

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day Eight

The last few days - the weather has been cold and dreary. Today I noticed this empty birdhouse. When the weather is warmer there is usually a family of wrens in it. For sits...awaiting Spring...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day Seven

This morning as I was typing away - my finger hit something. When I looked down I saw that I had knocked this little Lady Bug off of one of the keys and she ended up in between them. I tried to help her back up, but was afraid I would make it worse - so waited until she moved back up on her own. When she did - she got on top of the X Key and I ended up with this picture.

A while later - I returned to the keyboard, but she was gone!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Six

It is past midnight, but this picture was taken on Sunday. I decided to post it now and then another later (much later!) for today's photo!
This was taken while I was grocery shopping. The camera phone didn't pick up the rich brilliant color as well as I had hoped, but I was amused by how perfectly in line they were. I am certain that had I picked one out - the rest of them would have come tumbling down!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day Five

I really wanted to work the phrase "Hold The Pickle" into the caption, but the pickle is so prominent in the picture that I decided to tell you what my tasty lunch was instead!

This photo was taken with my trusty camera phone again. I have a new Nikon I need to be using, but so far all I have figured out on it is how to turn it on!

Seriously though - I must say I am impressed with the quality of my camera phone's pictures! Now when that UFO shows up some night...I'm all set!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day Four

My phone is getting quite a workout this week! I took this photo as I sat in traffic waiting to make a turn. I was looking at all the vehicles behind me and thought "Glad I'm up here and not back there."
I didn't notice it at the time, but note all the cigarette butts on the ground! Mother Nature is NOT amused!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day Three

This statue sits right outside our back door. She is the Goddess Kowena (sp?). She came with us when we moved - and since she is made of cement - it was quite the challenge bringing her to this spot!
Note the crack line around her neck. She had a branch fall on her and has been knocked over twice when the dog leash got tangled around her.
She is still quite the beauty though! I enjoy seeing her every time I go outside!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day Two

This is one of our "kittens" named Sylvester. A stray cat showed up a while back and decided to take up residence with us.

She had five kittens and he is one of them. He's not completely tame, but we're working on it. He was napping in a sunny spot on the porch just before I took his picture!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day One

This was taken with my cell phone while I was out walking this evening. The clouds looked like a trail across the sky leading to the sun. This picture doesn't do it justice - it was really breathtaking!